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伊朗一座碳纤维厂27日揭幕 |
据新华社电伊朗媒体报道,伊朗官员27日为一座碳纤维厂揭幕,标志伊朗着手自主生产这种微晶石墨材料。 伊朗伊斯兰共和国通讯社援引国防部长艾哈迈德·瓦希迪的话报道,建成这座工厂意味着国防部完成一项“战略项目”,使伊朗跻身可制造碳纤维的10个国家行列。 “碳纤维生产机器的设计和制造环节均在国防部内完成,”瓦希迪说,“碳纤维的制造技术和这种材料本身均在制裁涉及的(禁运)物资名单之列。这种限制为我们构建先进国防体系(的努力)带来挑战。” 一些专家说,伊朗生产碳纤维之所以令外界敏感,在于这种材料既能用于传统武器生产、又能在核工业领域派上用场的“两面性”。单就核工业领域而言,这种材料可用于铀浓缩离心机转子的生产。 Iran inaugurates first carbon fiber production line. Iran on Saturday inaugurated its first production line of carbon fibers, a light and strategic product used in different parts of the aviation industry. The carbon fiber production line was officially inaugurated at the Aerospace Industries Organization of the Iranian Defense Ministry on Saturday in a ceremony attended the country's Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi. Addressing the ceremony, Vahidi said, "Today we are witnessing the result of another strategic project in the Defense Ministry in the field of advanced materials." He stressed that Iran is now among the ten countries of the world that possess the technology to produce the strategic product. The Iranian minister added that all the development phases, including basic studies, basic design, production procedures, manufacture and installation of equipments and machineries, launch and production of the final product have been carried out domestically and Iranian experts. Earlier this week, Vahidi lauded the high capabilities of Iran's defense industry, and said the Iranian defense industry is moving on a growing trend of development which has made it unique in region. Addressing a ceremony held here in Tehran on Tuesday to mark inauguration of three new defense industry products, Vahidi said that Iran's defense industry has witnessed three development waves. "At the beginning of its third development wave, Iran's indigenous, self-reliant and diverse defense industry has become unique in the region and has the capability to enter rivalry at global levels," the Iranian minister said at the time. | ||