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当我们有AirCarbon时,谁还需要沥青砂油 |
NewLight技术公司第一次走进我们的视野是在去年当它宣布了一个凭空制造塑料的系统之时。其原材料不是石油,而是废水处理厂、垃圾填埋池、发电厂及其它工业场地排放在空气中的碳,除了不需要石油外,该系统也捕集并回收排放出的温室气体。 这样的持续性双赢怎么样?既然NewLight技术公司是一颗明星——《今日美国》上个月以此作为标题——那我们就看看他们现在在做些什么工作。 为塑料制品捕集碳 当我们首先了解到NewLight技术公司时,该公司正在其碳捕集系统产生的塑料中使用一种名为AirFlex的技术,现在更名为AirCarbon?。 根据NewLight公司的说法,AirCarbon是具备一系列包含了聚丙烯、聚乙烯及聚苯乙烯的塑料的性能。 AirCarbon也适用于各种加工流程,包括挤制加工、吹塑薄膜、纺丝及注塑成型。 最重要的是,AirCarbon塑料是可降解可循环的,最关键的是,Newlight引用的第三方已证实的全套分析显示,AirCarbon是一种负碳材料。 AirCarbonTM 是一种独立认证,全套的(包括所有的能量输入、运输及周期结束)负碳材料,可以量化地减少我们制造出的每一盎司AirCarbon中所包含的碳的数量。 把温室气体变成塑料 尽管NewLight系统多年来努力发展自身,但其基础相对简单,把排放物集中到一个专利的转换堆,析出碳和氧气,然后重新组装入一长串名叫聚合物的分子中,也就是塑料中。 如果这让你想起了什么,你可能会想到我们的老朋友郎泽科技。回到2010年,公司公布了一项能用工厂场地及其它源的废气制造塑料,而就在去年秋天,该公司赢得了能源部400万美元的拨款,以扩大系统规模。 郎泽科技公司和NewLight公司都引起了持续性领导者维珍公司的注意。郎泽科技公司与英国维珍大西洋航空公司合作捕集喷气燃料的废气,按照《今日美国》的说法,NewLight公司期望与维珍移动公司合作制造手机壳。 同时,威斯康星州办公家具生产公司KI有着自己完整的持续性焦点,也将成为与AirCarbon合作生产产品的第一家美国公司。 回到沥青油砂的事情上,不久前,奥巴马总统说Keystone XL沥青油砂管道的审批还得依美国的利益而定。 随着审批流程迅速掀起了高潮,那么记住一个流程及大量新版块的化石燃料基础设施之间的竞争是有好处的,他们分别在减少有害空气污染的同时帮助了制造商及其它美国商业,以及在仅仅创造了大量稳定工作机会的同时也为现有社区制造了新的风险。 领先财纳编译 AirCarbon | Made from carbon capture AirCarbon is a material made from carbon that would otherwise be a part of the air we breathe. Sustainable. While almost all plastics today are made exclusively from oil or other fossil fuels, AirCarbon is different. replacing oil with AirCarbon, we transform the products we use everyday into materials that reverse the flow of carbon and actually improve the world--reducing the concentration of carbon in the air, displacing oil, and ending climate change one step at a time. High-Performance. AirCarbon is able to meet the performance requirements of a wide range of applications, including applications currently using fossil fuel-based polypropylene, polyethylene, ABS, polystyrene, and TPU. AirCarbon? can be used in extrusion, blown film, cast film, thermoforming, fiber spinning, and injection molding applications. For more information about specific functional properties, please contact Newlight. Biodegradable or Recyclable. AirCarbon is a naturally biodegradable polyester that can be recycled in multiple use cycles, and can be formulated into both biodegradable and non-biodegradable grades according to the durability and carbon capture needs of a given application. *Please check labeling or packaging for grade-specific biodegradability and compostability parameters. Carbon-Negative. AirCarbon is an independently-verified, cradle-to-grave (including all energy inputs, transportation, and end-of-life) carbon-negative material, quantifiably reducing the amount of carbon in the air in every ounce of AirCarbon we make. **Please check labeling or packaging for grade-specific carbon footprint and carbon credit information. Change the World. Transform the products we use every day into products that reverse the flow of carbon and change the world. The technology is here. | ||